Emblema CGLU

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) represents and defends the interests of local governments on the world stage, regardless of the size of the communities they serve. 

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UCLG is the Global Network of Cities, Local and Regional Governments. This network represents and defends the interests of these governments on the global stage.

The network was founded in 2004, taking on the mantle of the hundred year-old International Municipal Movement when local and regional authorities from around the world decided they needed a way to speak with a single voice to the international community.

UCLG facilitates the work of the Local and Regional Government Global Taskforce which brings together more than 30 active international networks. UCLG's mission is to act as an advocate and defender of democratic local autonomy and to promote its members' values, goals and interests via cooperation among local governments and interaction with the international community.


  • To strengthen the decision-making role of local governments as a central pillar of the international system.
  • To stimulate local governments to act to foster development.
  • To promote more representative, stronger and more efficient local and regional governments and national associations.
  • To foster innovation to enhance local governance.

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