Executive vice-president
Antonio Balmón Arévalo (Mayor of Cornellà de Llobregat) is the executive vice-president of the AMB. He coordinates the action of the metropolitan government and the development of projects included in the Metropolitan Action Plan.

Antonio Balmón Arévalo
Antonio Balmón Arévalo was born in Barcelona on January 3, 1960 and is resident of Cornellà de Llobregat. He studied Sociology at the Catholic Institute of Social Studies of Barcelona and began his political commitment within the student movement.
His militancy in the PSC began in 1981 and since then he has held several responsibilities. He was the first Secretary of the County Federation of Baix Llobregat, he is member of the National Council and, since 2010, and he is Secretary of Political Action.
He is councillor of the city of Cornellà de Llobregat since 1987, and became its mayor in 2004, a responsibility he has been holding until now, and he combines with the executive vice-presidency of the AMB.