Open data
| Cancellation of COVID data periodic information
As of 28th March 2022 the situation is considered epidemic. Therefore, detected cases in the metropolis will no longer be reported.
| Cumulative incidence of COVID-19
CSV with the cumulative incidence for the last 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants
CSV with the EPG of each municipality and the metropolitan average
| AMB special data platform (IDEAMB)
Publication of IDEAMB: a platform that makes more easy to manage and use geographical information resources produced by the AMB (data catalogue, viewer and web services).
| Circular economy references
Dataset including the JSON with the metropolitan professionals and companies within circular economy
| Cumulative cases by municipality
Incorporation of a CSV related to cumulative cases by municipality into the covid-19 dataset
| New CSV's incorporation
Incorporation of CSV's related to daily cases and souspicious cases by municipality.
| COVID-19 evolution
Accumulated positive cases evolution in the metropolitan area
Usos del sòl ocupat
Informació sobre el grau d'ocupació del territori metropolità elaborada per l?AMB a partir de la interpretació de fotografies aèries i ortofotos.
Deaths by sex
Number of deaths by sex, by year, in the municipalities of the metropolitan area of Barcelona. Data from 1975 onwards.