
The AMB is responsible for three areas: territorial planning, urban planning and infrastructures of metropolitan interest.

Territorial planning
  • Participation in the preparation and proceeding of the general territorial Plan of Catalonia.
  • Participation in the preparation and monitoring of the partial territorial plans that affect its area and the sectoral territorial plans that affect its powers.
  • Preparation of plans, charters and programmes for the protection, management and planning of landscape.
Urban planning
  • Integrated urban planning of the metropolitan territory by means of the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan (PDUM) and the Metropolitan Urban Planning Plan (POUM). The AMB is responsible for the initiative for the formulation and initial and provisional approvals of both plans and their subsequent amendments.
  • Participation in the Urban Planning Commission of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.
  • Formulation and approval of the initial and provisional pluri-municipal urban development programmes.
  • Formulation and approval of derived planning elements having metropolitan interest or affecting several municipalities.
  • Urban management of the PDUM and the POUM as a competent and acting Administration. 
  • Protection of urban legality by delegation of municipalities or replacement of municipal authority. Exercise of sanctioning powers, where appropriate.
  • Cooperation and legal and financial support to municipalities concerning with planning, action programmes, projects and works, and urban discipline.
Infrastructures of metropolitan interest
  • Execution and management of infrastructures related to mobility, parks, beaches, natural areas, equipments, resources, facilities, technical environmental services and supplies services.
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