
The vice-presidency is a complementary and unipersonal governing body. Vice-presidents are appointed by the president among the metropolitan councillors.


Vice-presidents manage metropolitan services and competencies that have been delegated by the Presidency.

Position Name Political grup
Vice-presidency Belén García Criado PSC-CP
Vice-presidency Lluís Mijoler Martínez  En Comú Podem-Confluència
Vice-presidency Marc Giribet Gavara ERC
Vice-presidency Anna Pascual Roca Junts per La Palma
Vice-presidency for Water Cycle and Analysis of Metropolitan Policies Belén García Criado PSC-CP
Vice-presidency for Mobility, Transport and Sustainability Carlos Cordón Núñez PSC-CP
Vice-presidency for Social and Economic Development Jordi Valls Riera PSC-CP
Vice-presidency for Urban Planning Policies and Natural Areas Damià Calvet Valera JxCAT
Vice-presidency for Climate Action and Metropolitan Strategic Agenda Janet Sanz Cid En Comú Podem-Confluència
Vice-presidency for International Relations and Digital Metropolis

Jordi Castellana Gamisans