Metropolitan strategy
The AMB Strategic Planning Area defines and coordinates the AMB's main lines of action, as established by the Metropolitan Action Plan (Pla d'Actuació Metropolitana, PAM). It also actively participates in the formulation of future goals with other management areas and involved agents.
DREAM Collection
Following the Metropolitan strategic reflection (REM 2011-2014), the DREAM Collection (diagnosis, reflection, strategy and metropolitan actions) aims to build metropolitan histories of the AMB. New AMB strategic lines are gathered up in a series of volumes following the same methodology. This collection is actually the DREAM Collection.
Experts from different AMB areas, such as Strategic Planning Area, have written the different volumes. Each volume addresses a specific sectorial field, from the analysis and strategic development to definite pilot actions proposals within the metropolitan area.
Experts from different AMB areas, such as Strategic Planning Area, have written the different volumes. Each volume addresses a specific sectorial field, from the analysis and strategic development to definite pilot actions proposals within the metropolitan area.
Metropolitan strategic reflection (REM)
This project defines what the AMB shall be in the medium and long term. It also shows the global action lines to be carried out. REM is a global and crossing plan that involves every area, plan and project getting started in the AMB.