Social pricing
The AMB has set up a number of subsidised pricing systems for both the water cycle and public transport. In the case of water, the rate has a twofold social and ecological purpose, while in public transport there is a range of travel cards available which make it easier for particular groups to use the service.
Water bill subsidies
The AMB builds social pricing criteria into water bills which take into account people's financial means, along with progressive ecological standards in water utility pricing systems, thus reflecting the social as well as the ecological pricing promoted by the AMB across the metropolitan area.
More information about the subsidy (in Catalan)
Public transport
Social pricing travel cards are designed to help elderly or disabled people, with limited financial means, to use metropolitan public transport services as an incentive to participation and community life.
More information about social pricing travel cards (in Catalan)
Metropolitan tax
The metropolitan tax is the AMB's only direct tax and consists of a surcharge on the property tax bill to fund metropolitan services. Its social pricing measures include discounts for large families and exemptions for small homes.
More information about the metropolitan tax (in Catalan)