Tax ordinances
The AMB has to perform its tax and financial powers so as to achieve fiscal balance and solidarity among the municipalities being part of it. This authority is stipulated in article 3 of the preliminary title of AMB Law 31/2010, and according to the regional and state laws regulating local governments.

The AMB regulatory powers result in the approval of rules, and regulating and tax ordinances that allow, among other purposes, the regulation of:
- The exercise of individual activities, subjecting them to prior license or authorization, prior notification or responsible declaration and other measures of administrative control and inspection, in accordance with the relevant sectoral legislation.
- The organization and operation of services and activities within its powers, with the approval of various management forms of public services established by law.
- The establishment of public fees and charges.
Concerning to water and waste, the AMB approves tax ordinances to regulate the fees derived from services and activities it provides as an administrative body, and fees for treatment and disposal of municipal waste at its facilities.
Documents can be found on the website in Catalan.
Medi ambient
En relació amb l'aigua i els residus, l'AMB aprova ordenances fiscals per regular les taxes derivades dels serveis i activitats que presta com a administració i les taxes de tractament i disposició de residus municipals a les seves instal·lacions.
L'AMB aprova la ordenança fiscal de la taxa per a l'ordenació del transport públic amb autobús, la de la Zona de Baixes emissions i altres ordenances fiscals de serveis complementaris de la mobilitat.
A més, també aprova ordenances fiscals per a la prestació de diversos serveis administratius relacionats amb el taxi.