Standing man in a european map
Cities and Metropolis in Europe Labouring Onward Together.
Technical details
  • AMB budget: €17,640

    AMB budget: €17,640
In progress


CAMELOT (Cities and Metropolis in Europe Labouring Onward Together) is a Europe for Citizens project, a European platform aimed to contribute to citizens' understanding of the EU, its history and diversity and to encourage the democratic participation of citizens at EU level.

The project seeks to shorten the distance between citizens and the different European financing mechanisms available in order to promote their active participation, understanding and to foster a feeling of inclusion and proximity to Europe, bringing it close to its citizens and linking different metropolises to each other.

The metropolitan areas than constitute the partnership (Milan, Porto, Stuttgart, Zagreb, Riga, Bari, Gdansk, Craiova and AMB Barcelona Metropolitan Area) continue a long collaboration started through the project MEANING. They will organize 9 international events than aim to actively involve citizens and territorial actors, specially young sectors, in discussions on topics related to the project, as to generate understanding and exchanging experiences on the management of European funds and the role of metropolitan cities in the future of European governance.

CAMELOT aims to grant citizens the necessary knowledge to get involved in a conscious and mature manner, being aware of the potential of active participation in the metropolitan and European life. Also, it aims to make them know how Europe, through its diverse financing mechanisms, can improve quality of life in cities and metropolitan areas.

The project will last for 24 months (March 2020 - April 2022) and has a total budget of €148,680, of which €17,640 will be funding AMB's activities. 

Timeline of the project

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