Ciutats i metròpolis
Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB)
Population | 3.239.337 Hab |
Surface | 636 Km2 |
Municipalities | 36 |
The AMB (Barcelona Metropolitan Area) is a public administration with competencies in the areas of social cohesion, territorial and urban planning, mobility, transport, waste management, water supply, environment protection, social housing, infrastructures and economic promotion in the metropolitan territory. The metropolitan area, one of the most populated in Europe, has built 48% of the 636 km2 comprising its territory. The rest is occupied by 25 km of beaches and more than 25,000 hectares of natural areas.
The AMB is currently preparing the Metropolitan Master Plan (PDU) and the project "Passages" is an opportunity for international reflection, discussion and experimentation that will nourish the process.
Brussels - Capital Region
Population | 1.766.746 Hab |
Surface | 414 Km2 |
Municipalities | 1 |
The Brussels-Capital Region is one of the three regions of Belgium. The region has its own government and its own parliament. The Belgian federal framework offers wide range of competences to its federal entities.
Brussels is the capital of Belgium and both the Flemish and French Communities.
Brussels hosts the official seats of the European Commission, Council of the European Union, and European Council, as well as holds the Committee meetings of the European Parliament.
Brussels plays a major role as Europe's political hub. This European dimension is mirrored by the international dimension embodied by the presence of international organisations, confirming the Region's important position in the world.
It's no exaggeration to claim: "If you want to be heard… say it in Brussels!"
Population | 1.766.746 Hab |
Surface | 414 Km2 |
Municipalities | 1 |
The City of Vienna is both the national capital of Austria and one of Austria's federal provinces (Bundesländer). With a total size of 414 square kilometres and a population of about 1.74 million, it is by far the largest municipality in the country, and serves as the seat of many international organisations. The following overview on the structure of the Republic of Austria, its federal provinces and municipalities is to allow for a complete understanding of the City of Vienna's role and place within the federal state of Austria.
Warsaw (WOF ZIT)
Population | 2.673.000 Hab (2014) |
Surface | 2.844 Km2 |
Municipalities | 40 |
There is no self-government or government structure for the metropolitan area of Warsaw. In February 2014, in order to take advantage of the new EU- structural Funds Instrument ITI (Integrated Territorial Investment), 40 municipalities (including Warsaw) within the metropolitan area of Warsaw have signed an agreement, creating a structure, called WOF ZIT. Warsaw is the coordinator and external representative of WOF ZIT and runs its secretariat. Warsaw also plays the role of an intermediate body for the ERDF and ESF structural EU-funds to be used for the ITI. The decision making body of WOF ZIT is its Steering Committee. It adopts the development strategy for the WOF ZIT area, prioritizes the projects proposed, monitors the implementation and accepts reports. Its decisions are prepared by a consultative forum, with as members the secretariat (Warsaw) and five coordinating municipalities outside Warsawa. The figures about the area and population, given above, concern the WOF ZIT area.
Rennes Metropole
Population | 425.745 Hab |
Surface | 711 Km2 |
Municipalities | 43 |
Rennes Métropole
Rennes Metropole (RM) is a formal municipal cooperation body enabled by the French Law in 2000, enshrining a 30 years long cooperation within Rennes metropolitan area.
It is managed by 122 political delegates of the 43 municipal councils, elected for 6 years at the occasion of municipal elections. The administration counts with 1173 employees (2012) and the budget allocation amounts 829.7 M€ in 2015.
Actions by RM are backed by legal competencies, that allows implementing policies in the field of spatial planning and land use (the Archipelago City concept), economic development, mobility, housing, digital, environmental, social and cultural policies. Since 2015 it has gained competences in road management, water and sewage, and heating, gaz, and electricity distribution.
The features of excellence in RM are: ICT and smart cities, Research, Higher education (60 000 students), Agriculture and food industries, Automotive.
Città Metropolitana di Torino
Population | 2.275.000 Hab |
Surface | 6.821 Km2 |
Municipalities | 315 |
Città Metropolitana di Torino
The Metropolitan Area of Turin which covers a large area, with elected bodies of second level.
The bodies are: the metropolitan mayor; the Metropolitan Council; the Metropolitan Conference representing the 315 municipal mayors.
Área Metropolitana do Porto
Population | 1.700.000 Hab |
Surface | 1.900 Km2 |
Municipalities | 17 |
Área Metropolitana do Porto
In Portugal there are only two metropolitan agglomerations: Porto and Lisbon. Porto, city with long historical references stands today as the the center of this metropolis, serving as a center for a wide area around the Porto council territory. The Porto Metropolitan Area (AMP) is located in the North coast of Portugal and consists in the set of 17 municipalities: Arouca, Espinho, Gondomar, Maia, Matosinhos, Oliveira de Azeméis, Paredes, Porto, Póvoa de Varzim, Santa Maria da Feira, Santo Tirso, São João da Madeira, Trofa, Vale de Cambra, Valongo, Vila do Conde and Vila Nova de Gaia. The Metropolitan Area is a territory of approximately 1.900 Km2 with a population of 1.700.000 inhabitants. AMP represent 9,58% of the North region territory and 2,21% of Portugal. The AMP population represents 16,6% of Portugal. Still, even more important, the 17 municipalities of the AMP have an identitary territorial representation that combine multiple cultural and socio-economic issues.
Akershus-Oslo Region
Population | 1.200.000 Hab |
Surface | 4.918 Km2 |
Municipalities | 22 |
Regió Oslo-Akershus
Akershus County surrounds Oslo, which is the capital of Norway. This capital region is the fastest growing in Europe. 11% of Norwegian citizens live in Akershus, and the county is the most densely populated area in Norway. With an expected population increase of 200.000 new inhabitants by 2040, Akershus County has made strategies to meet challenges within the education, regional development, public transportation and environmental sectors.
Syndicat Mixte Paris Métropole
Population | 10.000.000 Hab |
Surface | 2.845 Km2 |
Municipalities | 212 |
Paris Métropole
Paris Métropole is an open, joint body of local authorities and councils created in April 2009. With 212 local authority members (municipalities, urban communities, municipality communities, departmental councils and regional councils) it works to put forward policies adapted to new issues and challenges to overcome for our global metropolis, by mutual of the daily of territories. Paris Métropole is governed by the principle of «one local authority = one vote». Its chairmanship is renewed every year with alternating political parties. Paris Métropole has a Plenary Committee, a Board of 51 elected members and an Executive Board of 16 members. The members of Paris Métropole are guided by the collective intelligence, aware that the best way to serve their territory is work together in the general interest, in order to devise solutions to deal adequately with current issues.
Métropole du Grand Paris
Population | 2.265.886 Hab |
Surface | 105 Km2 |
Municipalities | 1 |
Métropole du Grand Paris
The Métropole du Grand Paris (Greater Paris Metropolitan Authority) will see the light of day on 1 January 2016. Its powers essentially cover housing, town planning, air quality and economic development. It is organised in two levels of governance: the territories (at least 300,000 ha) and the metropolitan authority run by a Metropolitan Council.
Toulouse Métropole
Population | 738.142 Hab |
Surface | 460 Km2 |
Municipalities | 37 |
Toulouse Métropole
Toulouse Métropole is a public inter-municipality cooperation authority (EPCI) bringing together several municipalities in an organisation working in solidarity to jointly draw up and run a common urban development and planning project in their territory. Toulouse Métropole includes 738,142 inhabitants spread over 37 municipalities in a territory of 460 km². Toulouse Métropole has established the territorial centres to ensure continuous, effective public services. These 8 centres make it possible to link the metropolitan authority, the municipalities and the inhabitants. In association with the municipalities, the centres are responsible for all everyday actions or tasks for which management at central level cannot be justified.
Lille Métropole
Population | 1.106.885 Hab |
Surface | 611,46 Km2 |
Municipalities | 85 |
Lille Métropole
The European Metropole of Lille (MEL) is a local authority, in charge of urban development and was created in 1967. From an historic point of view, the metropolitan area is industrial, European and urban. Economic activities of the territory have been focused on textile and clothes for many years. The metropole is also a territory of diversity with 50% of the area being rural. The European Metropole of Lille has a strong experience in retailing and distribution industry and distance selling, and has dense industrial equipment. Since 2008, The European Metropole of Lille is part of the EGTC Eurometropole (created in 2008), a cross-border area of more than 2 millions of inhabitants (with Walloon and Flemish territories). Since 1st January 2015, the local authority has become the «European Metropole of Lille», a new status which reinforces its intervention areas and its cross-border and European specificities. As a metropolitan authority, the MEL has a wide range of competencies, including economic, social and cultural development, urban development (Master plan, land use plan, housing, development of major urban projects, urban regeneration, environment, energy), urban utilities (urban transport, roads and public spaces, parking, water supply, sanitation, waste management), tourism…
It has a deliberative or decision-making body (the metropolitan council) and an executive (the President and its Vice-presidents). The councillors are elected for six years by direct universal suffrage and the President is elected among the councillors by themselves.
Liverpool City Council
Population | 1.381.200 Hab |
Surface | 645 Km2 |
Municipalities | 5 |
Liverpool City Council
Liverpool is a city and a metropolitan municipality of Merseyside Country. Located in the North West of England is the third city in the UK in population thanks mainly to its port. Liverpool is the principal city of Merseyside Country which also includes the cities of Knowsley, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral, in a territorial area of 645 km² and more than one million inhabitants.
Liverpool City Council is made up of 90 locally elected councillors who elect every four years the Lord Mayor and the Council Leader.
Marseille Provence Métropole
Population | 1.053.679 Hab |
Surface | 607,45 Km2 |
Municipalities | 18 |
Marseille Provence Métropole
The Communauté Urbaine de Marseille Provence Métropole is a public institution for inter-municipal cooperation that involve divers municipalities in one metropolitan administration, which forms since its creation date, an agglomeration of more than one million inhabitants in a territorie of 607 km² that are associated in a space of solidarity, to develop and drive a joint project of urban development and territorial planning.
Established in July 2000, the Communauté Urbaine includes 18 municipalities around 3 objectives: to build the metropolitan equipments, modernizing urban services and develop the local economy, to face the challenges of a large metropolis prepare for the third millennium.
Città Metropolitana di Bologna
Population | 1.001.170 Hab |
Surface | 3.702 Km2 |
Municipalities | 56 |
Città Metropolitana di Bologna
The Città Metropolitana di Bologna is an inter-municipal public institution with federal character of 56 municipalities which replaces the province of Bologna and it's located in the region of Emilia - Romagna. It was created in January 2015 to work towards sustainable environmental, economic and social development, to improve life quality, to boost economic activities, providing metropolitan services and managing mobility.
Novi Sad City Council
Population | 341.625 Hab |
Surface | 702,7 Km2 |
Municipalities | 1 |
Novi Sad
The city of Novi Sad is located in the north of Serbia, on the banks of the river Danube. Novi Sad "new garden" in Serbian is currently the industrial and cultural centre of the country, although their economic and productive structure was affected by bombing . With a population of over 340,000 inhabitants it has a metropolitan potential, multicultural, productive and regenerative.
The territory includes Novi Sad, Petrovaradin and Sremska Kamenica municipalities , but the metropolitan area also comprises Futog , Veternik , Bukovac and Ledinci.