Kick-off metting RiConnect

| Subject: Infrastructures, Mobility and Transport, International Relations

Participants evaluated the impact of COVID-19 on mobility infrastructure

Reunió virtual dels participants al projecte RiConnect

On 29th and 30th June, the kick-off meeting for the RiConnect Network, led by the AMB, was held online. The aim of the meeting was to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 and determine the steps that must be taken when rethinking mobility infrastructure. It also served to set the agenda for the second phase of the project, approved by the URBACT Secretariat in May.

Representatives from the eight metropolitan areas involved in the project (Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB), Porto Metropolitan Area (AMP), Obszar Metropolitalny Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot (OMG-G-S), Stowarzyszenie Metropolia Krakowska (KMA), Anaptyxiaki Meizonos Astikis Thessalonikis (MDAT), Vervoerregio Amsterdam (VA), Métropole du Grand Paris (MGP) and Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM)), participated in the event, along with guests from other institutions.

RiConnect is a network of 8 metropolises with the aim to rethink, transform and integrate mobility infrastructure in order to connect again people, neighbourhoods, cities and natural areas. We will develop city-planning strategies, processes, instruments and partnerships to promote public transport and active mobility, reducing externalities and social segregation and unlocking opportunities for urban regeneration. Our long-term goal is to create a more sustainable, equitable and appealing metropolis for everyone. This is an URBACT Project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

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