Begues with Lebanon

| Subject: International Cooperation

Signature of a coordinated cooperation agreement with Damat Halib

On December 13th it was signed the agreement between Begues City Council and Damat Halib, a Lebanese entity formed by people from Syria and Lebanon, to carry out the project "Begues with Lebanon: we protect the rights of refugee children and adolescents".

This project aims to improve participation and learning achievement for refugees, promote equality between men and women, and encourage human rights in Begues, raising awareness of the emergency situation of children and adolescents in Tripoli.

The project is based on the coordinated cooperation line that AMB Cooperation service started in 2018.

Cooperation model

The coordinated cooperation is aimed at working closely with the city councils in cooperation projects. The identification, technical formulation, monitoring of the execution and justification of the projects work in a coordinated way between the town councils and the AMB Cooperation Area. This methodology makes it possible for small and medium-sized town councils to develop actions with a bigger impact. Likewise, it allows to work proposals in a local-global vision carrying out actions in both countries and metropolitan area municipalities.

Collaboration project with Lebanon

After more than 7 years of conflict in Syria, Lebanon welcomes nearly 1 million Syrian refugees, 490,000 of whom are school-age children and adolescents (3 to 18 years old).

In this context, and with the aim of responding to the educational needs of refugee children and adolescents, Begues City Council, together with its local partners in Lebanon Damat Halib and Milke Tears, will carry out a project with the dual objective of, on one hand, improving participation and student achievement and provide recreational spaces for children and adolescents in Tripoli and, on the other hand, strengthening the commitment towards the refugees from Tripoli in Begues, thereby contributing to the defense of the rights to education and leisure of refugee children and adolescents in Tripoli.

One of the relevant elements of the project is to promote the empowerment and equity between men and women, and in this sense the project will include soccer classes for girls, thus encouraging the inclusion of women in sporting activities.

This project aims to foster the focus on human rights in Begues, raising awareness and sensitizing the population of the municipality about the emergence context of refugees, especially children and adolescents in Tripoli (Lebanon).

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