Geography and the future of the metropolis
| Subject: Metropolis, International Relations
Briefing breakfast with geographers about the New Urban Agenda
Last Wednesday, 13th June, took place a briefing session breakfast at the Hotel Barceló Raval terrace with several geographers who work in communication. Marcos Amores (Betevé), Luismi Pérez (local media and RTVA Andorra), Rosana Rel (Cadena SER) and Sergi Loras (Sants 3 Ràdio and Betevé).
The breakfast allowed AMB's technicians from various fields to explain how they work in order to implement the new future urban and metropolitan model, originated in the Habitat III summit. In this international meeting, the New Urban Agenda challenges were established in order to build fairer, healthier, more cohesive and sustainable societies.
The breakfast is considered complementary to the Post-Habitat III International Congress, organised last 22nd and 23rd May by the AMB. The congress gathered worldwide experts in various disciplines in order to discuss about the future of the Habitat III summit conclusions.
Public space, urban development, mobility and sustainability
The Area for International Relations and Cooperation (organizer of the Post-Habitat III International Congress) explained the context and stressed the connection between the New Urban Agenda and the idea of Habitat III. The metropolitan approach and the importance of citizen participation were also emphasised, and so were the 4 roadmap items arisen in the recent congress held in Barcelona.
On the other hand, the Public Space Services Directorate explained the tasks on public space maintenance and reconnection of beaches, green spaces, Collserola Range, etc., which provide a sense of harmony. This intercommunication also fosters biodiversity and improves citizens' quality of life. The professionals in charge of the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan (PDU) drafting process have put in context those new ideas by explaining the urban planning backgrounds of the metropolis.
Additionally, causes and effects of sustainable mobility have been analysed highlighting the need of changing our habits in this field.
The venue of the Hotel Barceló Raval terrace is not a random choice: it has a unique view of the entire metropolis of Barcelona as a whole. This is the vindicated concept included in the roadmap of the Post-Habitat III International Congress.
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