International public transport

| Subject: Mobility and Transport, International Relations

The AMB, host of the OECD working group on public transport

On 10 and 11 March, the AMB welcomed the technical Public Transport Market Organisation and Innovation Working Group.

The purpose of this working group, part of the OECD, is to analyse the different ways to manage public transport by looking at the relations between the public administrations and the transport operator companies, and to interpret the impacts that the liberalisation of this sector has had on different areas.

The conference was attended by representatives of regions from around the world, whose speeches described different initiatives and successful case studies with regard to public transport, as well as all the factors that must be improved in order to coordinate the transport offering and information.

Attendees at the working group meeting held at AMB facilities included managers and members of public transport research groups from Japan, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and France.

At the meeting, they presented cases of managing bus and rail networks with different distributions between the roles of public and private agents.

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