Expansion of the metropolitan charging station network
Charge points in ten metropolitan municipalities
Technical details
- Subjects:
- E-Mobility, Sustainable Mobility, Electric Vehicles
- Publication date:
- April 2019
- Status:
- En curs
- Approval date:
- April 2019
- Phase details:
- Implementation period: 2019-2023
- Type / Subtype:
- Projectes FEDER
- Municipality:
- --
- Budget:
- €2,305,050 (VAT included)
- Promoter:
- Directorate for Sustainable Mobility Services
- Financing:
€952,500.00 (ERDF grant)
Municipal charging stations
The AMB has established a metropolitan rapid charge point service for electric vehicles and has begun developing the first network of EV charging stations, which consists of ten charging stations in ten metropolitan municipalities, each one of which counts with one rapid charge point (for electric cars and vans) and one slow charge point (for electric motorcycles and bikes).
With the aim of completing these initial facilities and providing all metropolitan municipalities the opportunity to recharge electric vehicles, the AMB will make efforts to expand the metropolitan network of charge points, thanks to ERDF funding. As part of this project, 26 new charge points will be installed on the roads of various metropolitan municipalities. Some will be intended primarily for professional services such as taxis, urban goods distribution vehicles and in-home service vehicles, while others will be for private vehicles.
This project is one of the measures implemented by the AMB to promote sustainable metropolitan mobility and, more specifically, supporting electric mobility as an effective means of combating air pollution and climate change.