Promoting cooperation among citizens, towns and cities on time policies and the right to time
Technical details
- Partners:
1. Associació Barcelona Time Use Initiative for a healthy Society (BTUI)
2. Ajuntament de Bergamo (Itàlia)
Socis AMB
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Ajuntament de Bolzano (Itàlia)
Ajuntament d'Esplugues de Ll.
Àrea Metropolitana d'Strasbourg (França)
Ajuntament de Milà (Itàlia)
Àrea Metropolitana de Milà (Itàlia)
Ajuntament de Lleida
Ajuntament de TerrassaDiputació de Barcelona
Generalitat de Catalunya
Ajuntament de Trikala (Grècia)
Ajuntament de Graz (Austria)
Ajuntament de Zwickau (Alemanya)
Ajuntament de Verviers (Bèlgica)
Ajuntament de Cremona (Itàlia)
Associació Tempo Territorial (França)
Synergie Wallonie Pour l'Egalité entre les femmes et les hommes (Bèlgica)
Contact person AMB
Pedro Martín
Gender Equality and Time Policies Technician- Action area:
- Europe
- Subject:
- Social and territorial cohesion
- Budget:
- Total project budget: 233.035,00 € (AMB budget: 4.000,00 € - 100% cofinanced)
- Financing:
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)
- Status:
- In progress
TIME4ALL brings together a multidisciplinary group of partners from 7 different EU member states, including third sector associations, municipalities, metropolitan areas and a regional government.
The project is co-led by the Barcelona Time Use Initiative for a healthy Society (BTUI) playing a technical management role and the municipality of Bergamo, Italy.
The 20 partners will contribute to the project in three main tasks:
1) sharing knowledge and feedback, where necessary (in particular, collecting good practices to shape the Local and Regional Agenda);
2) participate in planned project activities and events (at least two members from each institution are expected to participate in the 10 planned events over two years; partners must participate in at least one on-site event per year) and
3) participate in dissemination activities to reach citizens, press and other European local authorities and interested parties linked to the use of time.
Time4All activates innovation and long-term change as it seeks to advance the achievement of the right to time for all by fostering public and private time policies at local and regional levels that promote healthier, more equitable, sustainable and efficient time.