Tractament intensiu d'efluents residuals i conversió en productes sostenibles útils: biogàs, nutrients i aigua.
Technical details
- Partners:
- Lider:
Fundació EURECAT, ES
AMIU Genova S.p.A. , IT
Compañía para la Gestión de Residuos Sólidos en Asturias Sociedad Anónima Unipersonal – COGERSA, ES
Detricon bvba, BE
Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology – IRTA, ES - Action area:
- Europe
- Subject:
- Waste cycle
- Budget:
- Total budget: 3.119.601 € AMB budget: 256.598 €
- Financing:
55% cofinanced
- Status:
- In progress
LIFE INFUSION (LIFE19 ENV/ES/000283) is a demonstrative project co-financed by the European Commission through the LIFE programme. The consortium consists of 9 entities belonging to 3 different member states (Belgium, Spain and Italy).
The project's main objective is to demonstrate the viability of an innovative scheme to recover resources (biogas, biofertilizers and reclaimed water) from the municipal waste treatment effluents through a near-zero discharge process in the framework of the circular economy. The effluents studied are landfill leachate and liquid digestate from organic fraction municipal solid waste. This innovative solution will be implemented in two pilot plants: COGERSA in Gijón and the Ecoparc in Montcada i Reixac (AMB).
AMB's Department of Waste Prevention and Management will host one of the two pilot plants in one metropolitan waste treatment plant and will therefore be responsible of the site-specific preparatory actions. In a similar manner, it will also be in charge of developing the project communication and dissemination strategies and produce dissemination materials.
The participation in this project will allow to change the current waste management model by converting municipal waste treatment plants into resource recovery and production manufacturers.
The project's main objective is to demonstrate the viability of an innovative scheme to recover resources (biogas, biofertilizers and reclaimed water) from the municipal waste treatment effluents through a near-zero discharge process in the framework of the circular economy. The effluents studied are landfill leachate and liquid digestate from organic fraction municipal solid waste. This innovative solution will be implemented in two pilot plants: COGERSA in Gijón and the Ecoparc in Montcada i Reixac (AMB).
AMB's Department of Waste Prevention and Management will host one of the two pilot plants in one metropolitan waste treatment plant and will therefore be responsible of the site-specific preparatory actions. In a similar manner, it will also be in charge of developing the project communication and dissemination strategies and produce dissemination materials.
The participation in this project will allow to change the current waste management model by converting municipal waste treatment plants into resource recovery and production manufacturers.