
Strengthening the waste management capacities of Tunisia's local governments (GeDe-Tun).
Technical details
- Partners:
- Leader: Barcelona Metropolitan Area-MedCities.
Commune de Bizèrte
Commune de Kairouan
National Federation of Tunisian Cities - Action area:
- Mediterrània-Mashriq
- Subject:
- Waste cycle
- Budget:
- 14.500,00 €
- Financing:
Barcelona City Council: 70.000,00 €
- Status:
- In progress
The project's aim is to strengthen the capacities and the role of Tunisian local governments in the provision of local public services connected to waste management and sanitation in the urban environment. With this goal in mind, the project will take the following measures: offer support to two Tunisian cities in their implementation of metropolitan waste management plans, the instruments that guide city governments' activities in this field; enhance the technical abilities of city employees to effectively manage waste; exchange the experiences and knowledge on effective waste management practices collected by members of the MedCities network, and raise citizen awareness of environmental aspects of waste management.
The project is slated to consist of three phases:
- The diagnosis and priority-setting phase, which will include the undertaking of an initial fact-finding mission to gain greater knowledge of the current implementation status of the Kairuan and Bizerta waste management plans, the establishment of priorities for the projects and the definition of the initial pilot actions that each city will need to carry out.
- The pilot project phase, with each city taking initial actions based on the prior diagnosis to improve waste management. In Bizerta, this project is connected to the expansion of door-to-door waste collection and the reorganisation of this service. The Kairuan pilot project will be defined after a thorough data collection process that will allow for a more accurate diagnosis of the situation as it stands.
- The capitalisation and communication phase, with results publicised via a seminar, an event that will also feature knowledge transfer to and from other members of the MedCities network. The aims of this event are to ensure that the experiences gained in this project receive widespread recognition, to promote effective waste management practices and to publicise possible measures that could improve city government services.