Agreement FCCD 2021- 2022

Awarding of a grant to the Catalan Fund for Development Cooperation for the concerted management of three actions in the fields of awareness-raising, environmental sustainability and governance
Technical details
- Partners:
Fons Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (FCCD)
- Action area:
- Europe
- Subject:
- Education for Global Justice
- Financing:
33.300 €
- Status:
- In progress Done
The following actions are carried out in this project:
- Cities Defending Human Rights. This project involves several actors in the territory. It is led by the Catalan Fund for Development Cooperation (FCCD), the Comissió Catalana d’Acció pel Refugi (Catalan Refugee Aid Commission), the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia and the International Catalan Institute for Peace, with the participation of Catalan municipalities and other institutions and organisations, such as the AMB. The project focuses on disseminating the work of human rights defenders. It has been run on two occasions: autumn 2021 and spring 2022.
- Boosting the Climate Action Committee. The Climate Action Committee’s work plan for 2021 consists of the following actions:
- Setting up the Climate Action working party.
- Organising a conference or seminar for reflection. The proposed format and contents would be developed by the Climate Action working group, in which the committee municipalities would participate.
- Identifying a climate action project that stresses technical cooperation and the exchange of experiences, and provides training and dissemination.
The main objective of the Climate Action Group is to reflect on the theoretical framework of climate emergency and practice in international cooperation. It is made up of experts in cooperation, climate change and environmental sustainability from municipalities and supra-municipal bodies.
- Strengthening FCCD governance. AMB provides support for the association’s member town councils, especially the new cooperation councillors.