Agreement FCCD 2019 2020


Awarding of a grant to the Catalan Fund for Development Cooperation for the concerted management of four projects in the areas of awareness-raising, governance and environmental sustainability

Technical details

Fons Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (FCCD)

Action area:
Education for Global Justice
37.000 €
In progress Done


The following four actions are carried out in this project:

  1. Documentary on the 0.7% for cooperation movement. Production of a documentary on the international 0.7% for cooperation movement to be broadcast on television, in the metropolitan municipalities and in the rest of Catalonia. The documentary will highlight the historical demand to spend 0.7% of the revenue of public institutions on cooperation.
  2. Boosting the Climate Action Committee. The FCCD Climate Action Committee has been constituted, coordinated by the AMB. The Committee conducted a diagnosis of local cooperation in the field of climate emergency with the participation of 27 town councils and three supra-municipal bodies. Dissemination materials and diagnostic analyses have also been produced.
  3. Cities Defending Human Rights. This is a joint project between the FCCD, the AMB, the Catalan Refugee Aid Commission, the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia and the International Catalan Institute for Peace, with the participation of Catalan municipalities and other institutions and organisations, which aims to raise awareness of the work of human rights defenders. It has been run on two occasions: autumn 2019 and spring 2020.
  4. Strengthening FCCD governance. The 38th Ordinary General Assembly of the Catalan Fund for Development Cooperation, held on 21 June 2017, approved the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan. This is a planning tool covering the next four years, which should enable the Fund to become a service body for local partner authorities in the areas they consider it can be a useful tool for their public development cooperation and international solidarity policies, adapted to the diversity of needs and realities of the Catalan municipal map, and which provides added value to consolidate its place on the diverse map of public cooperation actors in Catalonia.

???????In particular, the AMB, in the period 2019-2020, provided support in strengthening the association member town councils, especially the new cooperation councillors.