Pocket Ravines

| Subject: International Cooperation

Online public consultation regarding the restoration of Guatemala City's ravines

Due to the steps taken to address the COVID-19 crisis in Guatemala, changes have been made to the methodology originally proposed for implementing Pocket Ravines, a cooperation project involving the AMB. As a result, instead of promoting citizen involvement in the form of on-site workshops, new technologies such as social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Tik Tok) and digital tools such as online surveys were used in efforts to find collective solutions. This change made it possible to spread the message much further than initially anticipated.

For instance, the first citizens' survey on ravines was carried out on August, the aim of which was to identify how the inhabitants of the metropolitan area of Guatemala City perceive the ravines and what they feel it should be done with them.

Ravines inside the public space

"Pocket Ravines: An innovative proposal to ensure the sustainability of Guatemala City's ravines through citizen involvement and the diversification of public space" is a cooperation project involving the AMB that aims to promote citizen involvement and the right of the city to define a model and practical solution to incorporate the ravines into the metropolis as an inclusive, equitable, safe and sustainable public space, through a strategy based on "tactical urbanism".

The ravines are a highly characteristic feature of Guatemala City's morphology. For decades, these spaces have been considered barriers that disrupt the urban territory and have experienced severe degradation due to pollution, erosion and deforestation. They have also been used as clandestine dumps for waste and wastewater, and many of them have been subject to illegal occupation. The aim of the "Pocket Ravines" initiative and the ongoing project is to restore these ravines through citizen involvement and transform them into inclusive, equitable and sustainable spaces that enhance connectivity and increase the number of public spaces and green areas.

The project began in November 2019 in Guatemala City. It is managed by the Foundation for Ecodevelopment and Conservation (FUNDAECO), in partnership and with support from the Guatemala City Council and the AMB.

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