AMB Internationalisation Plan

| Subject: International Relations

Municipal councils, regional actors, international networks and experts contribute to its definition

Imatge de la reunió

During the month of January, seventeen metropolitan councils, over twenty experts from regional organisations and international networks and members of the AMB's technical teams took part in three joint work sessions aiming at defining the first AMB Internationalisation Plan, which will establish the metropolitan institution's policy on international relations.

The AMB Area for International Relations and Cooperation recently began drafting the institution's first international relations Plan, as provided for in the Metropolitan Action Plan (PAM 2019-2023).

The Internationalisation Plan must set out the AMB's strategy and the priority lines of action with regard to international relations for the next 5 years.

Work sessions

As part of the three joint work sessions, discussion centred on the thematic and geographical priorities around which the AMB will focus its international efforts, with participants sharing their needs, ideas and numerous proposals for synergies with cities, companies and institutions in the region, as well as with the international networks in which the AMB is active. The sessions also served to take note of the interests of various AMB technical teams, which are engaged in international projects and activities on a daily basis.

The AMB's tasks in the area of international relations largely involve assisting and providing support to the various technical services of the metropolitan administration as part of the internationalisation process. Its main lines of action include managing projects co-funded by the European Union and cooperating in international networks of cities and metropolises (Metropolis, EMA, MedCities, UCLG, ICLEI, UITP, EIT...). The AMB also takes part in international conferences and forums and promotes the role and recognition of metropolitan areas at the European Union and United Nations system level.

Furthermore, within the metropolitan region, the 36 councils and other economic and social actors have an important international agenda with which the AMB generates synergies.

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