Transport services

Recreació coronavirus

Please do not travel other than for urgent reasons
Moving safely

General recommendations

  • It is mandatory to wear a mask at all times while using public transport: inside the vehicles, at stations, stops and corridors.
  • Please, avoid using public transport if you feel sick or if you are in a risk group. Under no circumstances, do not travel if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or if you have any symptom compatible with such disease.
  • If possible, work and make any bureaucratic procedure from home. If you must travel, avoid rush hours whenever you can.
  • Be aware that it may take longer than usual to travel in public transport. You can find access limitation and safety controls.
  • Try to keep the safety distance with other public transport users.
  • When you exit the public transport, wash your hands thoroughly with water and soap or with hydroalcoholic gel as soon as you can.

For bus users

  • At bus stops, please wait in organised queues and keep the safety distance amongst users. The queues must be straight and should not occupy the whole sidewalk.
  • If you are on a platform or at a bus stop, leave enough space in front of the doors and let other users to exit the transport comfortably.
  • Keep the distance while entering the vehicle; the driver will wait for you.
  • Remember to keep interaction with drivers to a minimum.
  • A safety screen will be placed next to the drivers to prevent contagion.
  • Do not enter the bus if it is at its full capacity, wait for the next one.
  • When going to validate your ticket, keep the distance with the user that goes before you.
  • Seats can be occupied 100%. 

For train, metro and tram users

  • Patiently wait in organised queues in the entrance and exit corridors of train and metro stations.
  • Inside the stations, keep right in corridors and leave space for users going in the opposite direction.
  • On escalators and conveyor belts, form a queue and do not overtake those that go before you.
  • Do not use the elevators at full capacity.
  • While you wait for the train, metro or tram, maximise the distance with other users by positioning yourselves along the platform.
  • Seats can be occupied 100%.
  • Inside the train, metro or tram, position yourselves along the vehicle.

Recommendations to reduce the risk of infection in Bicibox or e-Bicibox service

It is MANDATORY  to wear a mask.

Steps to use the service:
  • In case you run into some other user when getting or parking a bike, keep a safety distance of 1.5 to 2 metres.
  • Insert your card in the panel card reader and press the needed buttons only.
  • Open the e-Bicibox door and get or park the bike. Touch the minimum elements needed.
Remember: health comes first, and, if you do it correctly, e-Bicibox parkings and bikes will be safe places for all.

Bicibox website
93 480 15 59
  • Reobertura del servei e-Bicibox
    Coincidint amb la reobertura del servei, per tal de limitar el risc de contagi davant de la situació d'emergència sanitària actual, el servei e-Bicibox ha establert les següents recomanacions per als usuaris:
    • Eviteu els desplaçaments innecessaris: contenir la propagació de la COVID-19 és responsabilitat de tots. Si podeu, quedeu-vos a casa.
    • Només heu de sortir per cobrir les necessitats bàsiques o si heu de treballar presencialment, per exemple, en una empresa dedicada a activitats essencials.
    Si sou usuaris del servei e-Bicibox de bicicletes elèctriques compartides de l'AMB i heu de desplaçar-vos, recordeu que cal seguir els passos següents:
    • Obligatori utilitzar guants i recomanable portar mascareta.
    • Si quan arribeu al mòdul e-Bicibox per retirar o aparcar la bicicleta coincidiu amb un altre usuari, respecteu la distància de seguretat establerta: entre 1,50 i 2 metres.
    • Si teniu necessitat d'esternudar o tossir, seguiu les indicacions sanitàries i eviteu l'expansió tapant-vos el nas i la boca amb el colze flexionat. D'aquesta manera, evitareu que les gotícules es dipositin en el quadre d'interacció i protegireu la resta d'usuaris d'un possible contagi.
    • Poseu la vostra targeta al lector del quadre d'interacció i premeu únicament els botons imprescindibles.
    • Obriu la porta de l'e-Bicibox i retireu-ne o aparqueu-hi la bicicleta. Toqueu el mínim imprescindible d'elements comuns, com el pany. Els guants us ajudaran a prevenir possibles contagis i a evitar lesions davant de possibles caigudes.
    • Durant el teu trajecte, sempre que pugueu eviteu tocar-vos la cara, els ulls, el nas i la boca, així evitareu possibles contagis.
    Finalment, un cop arribeu a casa o a la feina, és important que feu dues accions bàsiques:
    • Renteu-vos les mans en profunditat amb aigua i sabó (o solucions alcohòliques).
    • Netegeu la targeta d'abonat amb un drap humitejat amb aigua i sabó (o solucions alcohòliques).
    Recordeu: la vostra salut és el primer i, si ho feu bé, els aparcaments i les bicicletes d'e-Bicibox seran segurs per a tots.

    Web del Bicibox
    93 480 15 59


  • Taxis will meet 60 % of demand.
  • 50% of the cab fleet works on weekends
  • It is mandatory to wear a mask in the taxi.
  • Only the 30 % of the AMB taxi fleet will be operating daily.
  • Taxis can install temporary safety screens.
  • Temporary suspension of taxi stands in terminal 2 (T2) of the Barcelona-El Prat airport.
  • Try opening doors with your NON-dominant hand.
  • The seat next to the driver must be free at all times.
  • Once a day, the vehicle needs to be cleaned and disinfected.
  • It is recommended to open the windows in order to renew the air. Avoid using climate control systems.
  • Cash payment should be avoided. Please, use card or phone payment whenever possible.
  • The taxi driver is not compelled to hand printed payment receipts, unless specifically requested and accepted by passengers.
If you need a taxi, you can also call the service operators or use an app. Please, remember travelling only for strong reasons.

Taxi radio stations
Taxi apps
