Who are we?
The international action of Barcelona Metropolitan Area provides new opportunities for improvement, innovation and knowledge for the various technical services, municipal councils, other institutional actors, and social and economic agents in the metropolitan region. At the same time, it raises the profile of AMB internationally as a leading institution in metropolitan governance and the provision of high quality services for its citizens.
In the sphere of international cooperation and education for global justice, the work of AMB is based on the priorities of its partner organisations. Its work focuses on metropolitan authority and the countries of the global South, based on alliances with AMB's partner institutions and the support of projects by NGOs and metropolitan councils.
In the sphere of international cooperation and education for global justice, the work of AMB is based on the priorities of its partner organisations. Its work focuses on metropolitan authority and the countries of the global South, based on alliances with AMB's partner institutions and the support of projects by NGOs and metropolitan councils.