The world in 2019

| Subject: Governance

CIDOB publishes a document with 10 issues that will shape the Global Agenda

Presentació de l'agenda a un grup de gent assegut al voltant d'una taula de reunions

On February 19th, at the AMB headquarters, the document  The World in 2019: Ten Issues that will Shape the Global Agenda was presented by the CIDOB researchers Eduard Soler i Lecha i Agustí Fernández de Losada.

This document identifies the 10 main issues of the Global Agenda: multilateralism and polarity, the possibility of another economic crisis, the difference between the platform economy and digital oligopoly, the dichotomy between the loss of rights and liberties and prioritising security, the transformation in the use of political information and action, the normalisation of conflict and violence, the militarisation and fortification of borders, Brexit and its consequences and, finally, the particular cases of Iran and Brazil.

In general terms, the 2019 Global Agenda will be lead by rivalries, principally between the United States and China, but also by actors like Russia and the European Union that will involve themselves directly and end up determining the development of the international political agenda throughout the year.

During the session, Soler and Fernàndez de Losada offered a vision of the metropolitan and urban dimension of these tendencies and debated with the AMB representatives about this subject.

This presentation was included in the collaboration agreement that the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and CIDOB have had for years. 

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AMB Headquarters Barcelona