Resolution on 2016-2017 grants for Cooperation and Development Education

| Subject: International Cooperation

40 grants from metropolitan entities for cooperation and education for sustainability are approved

Imatge de la notícia

The Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) has settled the calls for cooperation and development education projects amounting to 500,000 € for 2016 and 2017. These grants for metropolitan projects by municipal councils and NGOs end AMB's Development Cooperation Master Plan (2013-2016), the main tool for political and strategic guidance for cooperation action in this period, and begin a new period.

Over 50 projects were submitted, and grants were approved for 40 proposals which will begin in late 2016 and will continue until late 2017. The projects selected are in the areas of the right to water, sanitation, waste management, sustainable mobility, renewable energies, governance, sustainable development, social economy and fair trade, among others. Rights, the empowerment of women, the strengthening of excluded groups, critical education and advocacy are essential elements for contributing to social transformation.

The unprecedented feature of these calls was the inclusion of a specific line for dealing with the refugee crisis and to ensure their human rights. AMB supports projects that take place both on the ground, in the host countries, and in metropolitan municipalities, in the area of transformative education.

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