Approved VALUEWASTE project

| Subject: International Relations

The project is funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 program

Imatge de la notícia

AMB will receive 257,705.00€ from VALUEWASTE project, recently approved by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program. Most of this grant will be invested in the adaptation of metropolitan facilities in order to be able to separate the nappies that arrive at the plant from the non-recyclable waste container.

VALUEWASTE project (Unlocking new VALUE from urban bioWASTE) refers to the integrated systems of innovation in urban waste recovery (H2020-SFS-2018-1) and has a total budget of 11,952,090€ (80% co-financed by the EC) and its duration will be 3 years and a half. The consortium consists of 27 collaborating entities from 10 Member States: Austria, Belgium, Spain, Finland, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Czech Republic and Serbia.

The Waste Management and Prevention Department is part of the project consortium, and it is responsible for supplying the entry residue of one of the pilots located in Valencia. This pilot will treat cellulose waste (mainly nappies).

Production of bioproducts

VALUEWASTE's main objective regarding systems is to demonstrate the establishment of new value chains for municipal organic waste that allow the production of high added value bioproducts.

The project will show a series of innovative processes to transform urban biowaste into bioproducts, which will be tested on 7 demonstration pilot plants to be built in different European cities. Some of these residues are: food remains, cooking oils, organic recyclable waste, sewage sludge and cellulose waste streams, both for solid municipal waste and sewage treatment plants.

The participation in VALUEWASTE project will allow to reduce the waste produced in AMB mechanic-biological treatment facilities (Ecoparcs), contributing to the circular economy of the metropolitan territory.

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    Waste cycle
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