Policies and regulations required for enabling the MaaS concept
Technical details
- Subjects:
- Mobility and Transport
- Status:
- Finalitzat
- Type / Subtype:
- EIT /
- Municipality:
- Budget:
- 499.456,00 €
- Financing:
AMB budget: €8,373 (co-financed at 70 %)
Leader: CARNET
- Ajuntament de Barcelona
- Ciutat d'Hamburg
- Ciutat de Hèlsinki
- Ciutat d'Amsterdam
- Universitat d'Aalto
- Universitat Tècnica de Munich
- Universitat de Tecnologia d'Eindhoven
- University College of London
- Achmea Risk Insurance
- Altran Lab
- Altran Technologies
- Zone Cluster Ltd
The Pro-MaaS project aimed to identify drivers, barriers, enablers and challenges for the effective deployment of mobility as a service (MaaS) building on international best practices while adapting to existing local regulatory frameworks and market conditions. In this sense, the project has provided knowledge and strategies for innovation and mobility regulation that will help decision-makers implement new mobility services in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area.
The findings of this project indicate that a moderated co-creative method guiding local authorities should effectively speed up the process of enabling MaaS, as long as the local effort has enough political backing, and that the preparedness is sufficient to provide an efficient transition. Most crucial for a sustainable and smooth transition is collaboration between public and private sector actors to ensure equal interest in the change. Existing tools need to be studied in greater detail to determine potential needs for development. Lastly, the project highlights the need for further research into the smooth reorganisation of existing business ecosystems.