Apps and digital tools 139

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  • Imatge del servei digital
    IDEAMB / Aerial imagery
    2016 metropolitan coastal orthophoto

    Aquesta ortofoto està elaborada a partir del vol fotogramètric realitzat el juliol de 2016, i abasta les platges de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona (excepte el Port de Barcelona)

  • Logotip AMBtempsbus
    Mobile application
    AMB Mobilitat

    This free app helps you move around the metropolitan area of Barcelona. It includes every mobility service available: you can plan any route around all the metropolitan region, it includes the cyclable network, the Bicibox (secure bike parking service), the alerts about services modifications and the alerts about air pollution episodes. AMB Mobilitat is a very useful and practical app offering a 360 degree vision of the metropolitan mobility.

  • App naus i solars
    Mobile application
    Buildings and Plots App

    The app displays the current industrial plots and buildings on offer in the 36 municipalities within the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The app also provides information on the main features of these offers: location, total surface area, price, contact details, storage and office surface areas, height of the building, power installed, etc. To make searches easier, there are some basic filters for each of the most relevant parameters: type of office, surface area, price and location. In addition, and for each industrial estate and municipality, the following reference parameters are provided: average prices of sale and rent, standard deviations of these prices and total surface area on offer.

  • Catàleg de la biblioteca de l'AMB
    Catàleg de la biblioteca de l'AMB

    Eina de consulta del catàleg de la biblioteca de l'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona.

  • Imatge de les electrolineres
    IDEAMB / Mobility
    Charging stations

    Information of the inventory of charging stations of the AMB.

  • Geoportal de cartografia
    Geoportal de cartografia

    Aquest visor permet consultar, visualitzar i descàrregar de manera gratuïta els diferents conjunts d'informació geogràfica disponibles a l'AMB com per exemple: Mapa Topogràfic Metropolità 1:1 000, Fotografies de vols històrics, Ortofotos històriques, Guia de carrers de l'AMB, Xarxa Geodèsica Local, etc.

  • Geoportal del planejament
    Geoportal del planejament

    El refós del planejament és un producte de l'AMB a través del qual es poden consultar les determinacions gràfiques del planejament urbanístic vigent dels 36 municipis que conformen l'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona. El refós, que s'actualitza semestralment, i altres productes complementaris són consultables des del geoportal del planejament.

  • App Infoparcs

    The Infoparcs Webapp tells you all you must know about the parks in the network of metropolitan parks. On it you will find a descriptive factsheet for each of the parks, and also maps, points of interest, a list of services, norms of use, activities agenda, subscription to newsletters, news, weather forecast, and mobility options to get there. With Infoparcs you can also make suggestions to the AMB technical team.

  • App Infoplatges

    This webapp contains all the information you need to know the conditions of the metropolitan beaches. It provides information on the municipality, geolocation, weather, temperature and sea conditions, wind speed, services and facilities on each beach, as well as access, car parks, public transport, activities, first aid services and photographs.

    With Infoplatges you can also make suggestions to the AMB technical team.