USER-CHI, a Horizon 2020 project, seeks to unlock the potential of electromobility in Europe, researching innovative solutions for user-centered electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The project aims to promote a large-scale electric mobility market in Europe through the development of integrated intelligent solutions, business models and regulatory conditions in five urban areas belonging to the TEN-T corridors (Trans-European Transport Network): the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB), Rome, Berlin, Budapest and Turku. Different private and public actors from each area will be involved in the project, in order to achieve a transversal, holistic and integrative view.
The project intends to achieve its objectives by integrating different innovative charging technologies (1), putting the user at the center (2), exploiting the synergies between electromobility and the current energy transition in Europe (3) and by integrating the necessary technological tools, business models and regulatory measures (4) to create a functional electric transport system that improves user's experience and is financially attractive enough to allow for a large-scale deployment of user centric charging infrastructure in Europe.
The beginning date of the project is January 2020 and it will have a total duration of four years (until January 2024). Besides from benefitting from the demonstrations and knowledge generated regarding innovative infrastructures and intelligent solutions, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) will develop a pilot test in one of its municipalities, taking advantage of the ongoing deployment of electrolineres (electric vehicle charging stations) throughout the metropolitan region.