METROPOLIS, World Association of the Major Metropolises
Technical details
- Action area:
- Subject:
- Sustainable urban development
The mission of Metropolis is to foster International cooperation and exchanges among its members, namely local and metropolitan area governments of big cities. In addition, the network acts as an advocate for the interests of metropolitan cities in international forums.
Metropolis's chief aim is to help cities gain greater control over their development processes, and in so doing to contribute to citizens' wellbeing. In order to achieve this, the organisation represents metropolitan regions and areas on the global stage. In fact, it is recognised as a key representative by the UN the WHO and the World Bank, among other international organisations.
Network projects in which AMB is participating:
Metropolis's chief aim is to help cities gain greater control over their development processes, and in so doing to contribute to citizens' wellbeing. In order to achieve this, the organisation represents metropolitan regions and areas on the global stage. In fact, it is recognised as a key representative by the UN the WHO and the World Bank, among other international organisations.
- To increase the exchange of knowledge, experiences and policies among member governments and collaborators in order to strengthen institutional capabilities.
- To attain greater influence over world affairs for metropolitan governments, in collaboration with other associations of local governments, international organisations and civil society entities (companies, universities, NGOs).
- Expand membership in Metropolis to strike a balance between the network's international mission and more regional initiatives.
Network projects in which AMB is participating:
- Clima Metropole+: An initiative of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and Metropolis, this project also features the collaboration of the partner cities of Berlin, Liverpool and Greater Lyon. The aim of this initiative is to exchange experiences and generate knowledge on climate change adaptation.