Defending Human Rights

Cities in Defence of Human Rights
Technical details
- Partners:
- Entitat promotora: Sant Boi de Llobregat city council
Partners: Comissió Catalana d'Ajuda al Refugiat (Catalan Refugee Aid Commission); Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya (Catalan Human Rights Institute); Institut Català Internacional per la Pau (International Catalan Institute for Peace)
Collaborating entities: AMB; Barberà del Vallès city council; Castelldefels city council; Prat de Llobregat city council; Esplugues de Llobregat city council; Gavà city council; Molins de Rei city council; Sant Cugat del Vallès city council; Santa Coloma de Gramenet city council; Sant Joan Despí city council; Sant Vicenç dels Horts city council; Viladecans city council; Granollers city council; Terrassa city council; Girona city council; Casa Amèrica de Catalunya; Fons Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (Catalan Development Fund); Barcelona provincial government; Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation), Fòrum de Síndics i Defensors Locals (Forum for Local Ombudsmen). - Action area:
- Subject:
- Education for Global Justice
- Budget:
- 119.903,97€ (2016 edition)
- Financing:
AMB: 14.000€
- Status:
- In progress
The programme entitled "Cities in Defence of Human Rights" is a platform for publicising the work of human rights defenders, making appeals for the right to live in peace, engaging in solidarity actions and raising awareness among the citizens of a group of municipalities. It stresses the need to turn defence of our fundamental freedoms into an integral part of our daily lives in order to contribute to changes to the underlying structures that cause global conflicts and inequality.
Each of the four editions of the programme that have taken place since its start in 2013 have consisted of activities held at various locations around the area and featuring the participation of international human rights activists. The events have included informal lectures and gatherings, institutional meetings, visits and activities at schools, exhibitions, etc., all of which have given rights workers a forum to communicate with the public. In this way, the programme acts to bring the work of human rights defenders into the public eye, which in turn contributes to greater guarantees and better protection of these rights.
In addition, the programme provides a space for the exchange of experiences among activists from around the world, and it calls attention to the roots of the conflicts that may be taking place in the places of origin of the human rights defenders, as well as the current status and the effects of these conflicts.
Each of the four editions of the programme that have taken place since its start in 2013 have consisted of activities held at various locations around the area and featuring the participation of international human rights activists. The events have included informal lectures and gatherings, institutional meetings, visits and activities at schools, exhibitions, etc., all of which have given rights workers a forum to communicate with the public. In this way, the programme acts to bring the work of human rights defenders into the public eye, which in turn contributes to greater guarantees and better protection of these rights.
In addition, the programme provides a space for the exchange of experiences among activists from around the world, and it calls attention to the roots of the conflicts that may be taking place in the places of origin of the human rights defenders, as well as the current status and the effects of these conflicts.