The third EMA summit in Warsaw
The European Metropolitan Authorities highlight their role as drivers of development
On 20 October, the city of Warsaw hosted the third edition of the European Metropolitan Authorities (EMA) summit, where topics including metropolitan solidarity, the role of metropolitan areas in EU cohesion policy post-2020 were discussed, and good practices for collaboration between metropolitan areas were shared. AMB took part in the round table discussion on metropolitan solidarity, with the metropolitan areas of Lyon, Silesia, Nice and Tirana.
The EMA is an initiative promoted by AMB, which has become a consolidated forum for dialogue between the political leaders of Europe's major metropolitan areas. This forum was founded in Barcelona in 2015, and has become a platform for political dialogue between metropolitan areas and cities, EU institutions and national governments.
The Warsaw Declaration supports the European cohesion policy
This year's summit, co-organised by AMB and the City of Warsaw, brought together mayors, presidents and elected representatives of Europe's major metropolitan areas and European cities, as well as the leaders of various institutions and networks. They stressed the role of metropolitan areas as engines for development in European policies, and discussed their expectations and proposals for the post-2020 programming period.
The Mayor of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, welcomed the participants and representatives of European institutions, including MEP Jan Olbrycht, a member of the European Parliament's URBAN Intergroup, and Petr Osvald, President of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget of the Committee of the Regions, and encouraged the participants to continue their work. Also at the event were representatives of leading European and global networks of metropolitan areas and cities, such as Metropolis, Metrex and Eurocities.
The event culminated with the signing of the Warsaw Declaration by all the participants. This document supports the continuity of the cohesion policy beyond 2020, and calls for a more prominent role for metropolitan areas.
The participating cities and metropolitan areas were Amsterdam, Barcelona, Brno, Brussels, Budapest, Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot, Haarlem, Lyon, Lodz, Madrid, Mannheim, Milan, Marseilles, Nice, Oslo, Porto, Poznan, Rhine-Neckar, Silesia, Stuttgart, Thessaloniki, Turin, Tirana, Warsaw and Vigo.
The city that will host the EMA in 2018 will shortly be announced.
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